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Why Hire a Coach?

Coaches help access the power within you. While coaches may share resources and experience to help clients, most importantly, they help you realize your own path to success.

Why Watt Coaching?

I bring deep experience helping individuals and leaders grow by honing strengths and asking powerful questions focused on the whole person to drive results. 

  •  Deep Experience

From shop floors of manufacturing plants and technology teams driving digital transformation all the way to the c-suite, I help individuals address what’s getting in their way, achieve their next goal, and find ways to thrive during doubt, change and disruption. 

  • Honing Strengths 

As a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, I help you transform areas of natural talent into intentionally applied strengths to power your success. 

  • Asking Powerful Questions

My training as an International Coach Federation Certified Coach means I partner with you to establish clear goals, challenge fixed mindset thinking, and sustain momentum on your journey. 

  • Focused on the Whole Person

I help you get clear on what matters most, both personally and professionally. 

  • Because Change is Hard and You’re Not Alone. 

With my outside perspective, I help you bring blind spots into focus, create a safe space for self-reflection, and support you through setbacks and wins along your journey. 

Why Hire A Coach


Jan Batty, HR Leader

Tracy helped me uncover that I was ignoring my personal foundation goals..., 


...that struggle led to a fair amount of work, and some significant shifting in my professional goals to better align with my emerging sense of what I want out of this stage of my life. 


There's no free pass with Tracy.  She's there to do the work and expected me to do the same.  And I loved it.  She's funny, insightful, smart.  I was in the driver's seat; I did the heavy lifting.  But with Tracy as my guide and partner, I accomplished more than would ever be possible by just reading books or listening to podcasts. 



When selecting a coach, its important to think beyond just experience and qualifications.


Chemistry matters. 


The best results follow when there is a strong fit for both the client and the coach.  I partner with clients who are committed to their goals, prepared to work both during and between coaching sessions, and ready to increase their self-awareness along the way.


I bring the perfect blend of care, humor, straight talk and expert guidance for you to grow, lead and thrive.


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